Tuesday 25 October 2011

The Single Girl's Guide to Dieting...

Having spent about 60% of my 20 year life span on a diet, I am continuously asked by women for tips.
But before I divulge - a little disclaimer. *I am not by any means a professional dietician, nor am I by the state of my legs really in a position to give dieting advice. But I get asked all the time, so I thought I would anyway...*

Firstly: the bad news. Unless you're one of those weirdos who enjoys exercise, you're not gonna like what I have to say. Sadly (and this is the bane of my existence) the quickest and healthiest way to lose weight and get into shape is to e x e r c i s e. Personally there is nothing in the world I detest more than the thought of getting all hot and sweaty (unless there is a man involved somewhere) and sweating off a tonne of makeup, but for steady and effective weight loss its the only way to do it.

I prefer the 'crash and burn be sexy for a certain event then gain it all back really quickly' approach. This pretty much involves eating very little, as often as possible. I'm not even sure that statement makes sense, but that’s what I do. Carbs are the devil if you're craving quick weight loss, and these should be avoided where possible. Fruit and vegetables are pretty much all I'll eat if I'm in a manic panic to lose weight quickly, and absolute bucket loads of green tea.
Green tea is a funny old thing, the Chinese swear by it, as do hippies and the health conscious. It has been scientifically proven to aid weight loss, and does lots of other good things for your body too. Being the shallow excuse for a human being that I am I'm not too bothered about what's going on on the inside, as long as the outside is looking banging. So there you go - green tea = win. A lot of people don't enjoy the taste, and I will confess it does take some getting used to (slightly bitter) but it is vastly better for you than any of the equivalents. So put your coffee down and get on the green stuff.

I am Bridget Jones personified when it comes to binge eating when depressed/rejected by latest guy on the scene/dwelling about size of bum but the most important thing to remember is not.to.eat.late.at.night. You may as well eat a block of lard, as whatever you eat past a certain time won't be burned off, and just turned into fat as your body's metabolism slows down for bed time. As tempting as a massive Galaxy before bed may seem while watching The Only Way Is Essex - stay away. You'll regret it when you're a size 18 and having to find love on dating sites.
Saying that though, depriving yourself of yumminess all together isn't wise. It just results in an even bigger binge when you do decide to indulge. So for every time you feel the need for chocolate/crisps - buy a pair of shoes instead*. WORKS EVERYTIME.

*the tip of buying new shoes everytime you're hungry is a slippery slope. Don't be silly with it or you'll end up with a bank balance that resembles Iraq and a dad who hates you for having to continuously bail you out of your shoe debt crisis. Maybe alternate between a fruit salad and new shoes instead...

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